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Uploading Finished Music Video

Vimeo is the media platform I chose to upload my final edit of our music video. This was due to copyright purposes as YouTube has very strict copyright agreements that could of resulted to my video being taken down.

Vimeo was a alternative media platform that isn’t as strict and so my video can be watched. 

I also uploaded my answer to question 3 of the evaluation in a video format onto Vimeo. 


I created all the recces for the pre-production stage of construction of my video - locations, on Thinglink. I thought this was the best media technology for presenting the recces as details of the location we plan to shoot at can be read easily.   

Creatingdrafts &Pre-production 

I used Google docs to draft my answers for all the evaluation questions that I then shared to my teachers to read over to comment on improvements needed. I then copied my work from docs onto the media technology I will use to present each question.

Docs was also the media technology I used to create the storyboard of the music video, lyric annotations, call sheets, actor/ location release forms, risk assessments for our shoots, displaying group meeting - topics discussed and actions to do next.

Gmail was used to email and stay in contact with the artist of our video to inform her of when and where our video shoot is going to take place.












I used Wix for question 4 of my Evaluation as I thought a website is a creative format to display my answer.
I used Emaze to present our music video proposal to my class - pre-production. Emaze allowed me to have our music videos song playing whilst text and visuals explain our idea.

​Another consistent media technology I used throughout A2 media is Blogger. Blogger is used  as a portfolio to display all my work. I use blogger to post my completed work as well as details of my work I am currently progressing on during the constructing stages. I also used Blogger to post my analysis of case studies - Music Videos and Cd Packages.


I used IMovie for answering question 3 of the evaluation - audience feedback in a video format. This media technology was easy and simple to edit my video on as I was able to combine videos, voice notes, images and music that helps my response to the question.  

I used the media technology 'gifs' for answering question 1 of the evaluation. This was to display parts of my music video and other music videos into short sequences to explain the similar techniques used - For example cutting to the beat. 

Mac computer and Laptop was used to edit my music video and video for question 3 of the evaluation The software allowed me to create videos for free - Premiere Pro and IMovie


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